Windshield Replacement Tips: Ways You Are Unknowingly Damaging Your Windshield

chipped car windshield

Windshield damage isn’t always as dramatic as you might think. Yes, your auto glass can definitely get damaged when you crash into a car or face flying debris. But these are only a couple of reasons why you might need to schedule windshield replacement.

Tucson, Arizona, residents should know that actions that seem harmless or even helpful can also weaken their windshields and increase their odds of needing auto glass replacement. Here, you’ll find our list of common ways drivers in this area unintentionally damage their windshields.

#1: Using Old Windshield Wiper Blades

As a rule of thumb, replacing your windshield wipers every six to twelve months is wise. If you don’t follow this schedule and keep using your wipers beyond their intended life span, your windshield could end up paying the price.

Eventually, the rubber on your car’s wiper blades will start to deteriorate. When that happens, the metal underneath this rubber could make direct contact with your auto glass. That might not result in any noticeable damage, but your windshield may still suffer from tiny scratches.

Has it been a while since you replaced your wiper blades? If so, visit an auto glass shop ASAP — the people working there can check your windshield for damage that could affect its structural integrity. If they find any issues, there’s a good chance that they’ll be able to repair your windshield.

#2: Driving With a Dirty Windshield

Worn-down wipers aren’t the only potential cause of minuscule scratches on your windshield. If you allow even a little dirt and debris to stay on your auto glass, these particles could eventually become another source of windshield scratches.

Because of that, it’s wise for Tucson drivers to refill their wiper fluid regularly (or when the fluid comes out in a low-pressure stream). Along with that, cleaning your windshield can help — though this can cause further problems if you aren’t careful.

#3: Using the Wrong Cleaning Products

Not every cleaning product is suitable for use on auto glass. Take harsh cleaners with detergents or ammonia, for example — if you use these cleaners, you could encounter streaking or film build-up. Issues like these can impede your vision, making staying safe on the road considerably harder.

Surprisingly, using towels or sponges as part of your windshield cleaning regimen can create issues, too. You could accidentally trap debris such as tiny rocks under these products, creating scratches. To keep your windshield clean and damage-free, ensure you only use cleaning products designed for windshields and other types of auto glass.

#4: Cleaning Your Auto Glass At the Gas Station

Many gas stations offer squeegees so their customers can clean their windshields. That can be convenient in the short term, but using these squeegees could do more harm than good to your windshield.

The issue is how often the cleaning liquid provided by gas stations is changed. For the most part, it isn’t changed regularly, even though it can be used by hundreds of drivers daily. As a result, this solution (and the squeegee sponges that use it) can easily collect sand and dirt.

If you scrub your windshield with one of these dirty sponges, don’t be surprised if your glass gets scratched. That won’t just raise your risk of needing auto glass replacement — it could increase your level of windshield glare.

#5: Subjecting Your Glass to Changing Temperatures

Tucson is a desert community, and these landscapes are known for their scorching days and cold nights. Unfortunately, fluctuating temperatures can cause serious trouble for auto glass, forcing local drivers to repair or replace windshields.

To understand this phenomenon, think about what happens when you place an ice cube into lukewarm water. The ice’s outer layer is much warmer than it once was, but its inner layers remain cold. Because of this tension, it won’t be long before cracks form in the ice cube.

Car windshields also have different layers — and when the outside temperature changes, your auto glass could end up dealing with the same problem. That’s an even bigger issue if your glass has a bit of damage — thanks to this phenomenon, your small crack or chip could get much bigger before you know it.

The best way to avoid this issue is to park in a garage or enclosed area whenever possible. If that isn’t an option, consider parking under a vehicle tent.

#6: De-Icing Incorrectly

Admittedly, drivers in Tucson don’t spend much time scraping ice off their windshields. But if you plan to visit a part of the country where winter weather is more common, you’ll want to know how to de-ice your auto glass safely.

Ideally, drivers shouldn’t hack away at the ice on their windshields — this could easily cause cracks and chips in your glass, which will necessitate auto glass repair or windshield replacement. Instead, it’s wise to apply minimal pressure with a plastic scraper designed specifically for ice removal (or alcohol/room-temperature water if you’re in a rush and don’t have access to a scraper).

Tucson residents should also resist the temptation to set their defrost to “high.” To minimize temperature fluctuations in your glass, start at a low temperature and increase this slowly over time.

Let Max Auto Glass Fix Your Damaged Windshield

Following the tips in this article will significantly reduce your risk of accidental windshield damage. However, this type of damage isn’t always preventable. If your windshield is broken or damaged, you’ll need to find an auto glass shop that can replace windshields before they have a chance to get worse.

When they need windshield replacement, Tucson residents should prioritize shops offering advantages like:

  • Auto Glass Safety Council/Dow-certified technicians
  • Money-saving promotions
  • High-quality components
  • Convenient mobile service

At Max Auto Glass, we offer all these advantages and more — which is why we’re the region’s most trusted auto glass service provider. Instead of ignoring your damaged windshield, request a quote today!

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